Saturday, July 18, 2009


Vitamins are complex organic molecules. Their existence in the human body is necessary (small amounts). Many vitamins are coenzymes and play an important role in cell reactions. The human organism is able to produce only one vitamin (D), the intake of all the others must be part of our diet.

I will describe some of the liposoluble and hydrosoluble vitamins that are important to humans. Each vitamin has a specific function, but in general terms their function is to control and regulate biochemical reactions.

Vitamins are found in different kinds of food, especially in fresh fruits and vegetables. Although they are required in small quantities, lack of vitamins in daily diet can cause serious physiological disorders. In Honduras, the most common disorders due to vitamins deficiency are: rickets, dermatitis, anemia and in some cases even fatigue, depression and muscle aches. A high percentage of children live under these conditions because of an incomplete diet.

IMPORTANT VITAMINS FOR HUMANS (RDI= recommended daily intake)

a) Liposolubles: A, D, E K.

Vitamin A:
Function: normal vision, bone development, prevents infections.
Deficiency problems: night blindness.
Main sources: carrots, liver, eggs.

Vitamin D (400 RDI):

Function: Calcium absorption.
Deficiency problems: osteomalacia, rickets.
Sources: sunlight, fish oil.

Vitamin E (30 RDI):
Function: inhibits the oxidation of fatty acids, fertilization.
Deficiency problems: Fragile cell membranes.
Sources: vegetable oils, seeds, grains and eggs.

Vitamin K (RDI: 570-700)
Functions: blood coagulation.
Deficiency problems: hemorrhaging.
Sources: pork liver, vegetables, cabbage, spinach.


Vitamin B1 (thiamine):
Functions: Aminoacids and carbohydrates metabolism, it is a coenzyme.
Deficiency problems: beriberi.
Sources: liver, yeast, cereals, meat.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin):
Functions: coenzymes synthesis.
Deficiency problems: lesions of lips commissures, dermatitis.
Sources: asparagus, bananas, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, meat, eggs and fish.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine):
Functions: coenzymes in the metabolism of aminoacids.
Deficiency problems: dermatitis, digestive system disorders.
Sources: liver, fish, cereals, bread.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin):
Functions: conezyme in the metabolism of nucleic acids.
Deficiency problems: pernicious anemia.
Sources: liver, chocolate, yolk.

Functions: essecial coenzyme during cell respiration.
Deficiency problems: pellagra (dermatitis and muscle weakness)
Sources: liver, milk, meat and pulses (leguminous crop).

Pantothenic acid:
Functions: component of coenzyme A.
Deficiency problems: there are no deficiencies.
Sources: liver, meat, cereals, pulses.

Folic acid:
Functions: maturation of erythrocytes (red blood cells).
Deficiency problems: Anemia.
Sources: wheat, vegetables, pulses.

Functions: aminoacids’ metabolism, glycogen synthesis.
Deficiency problems: fatige, depression, muscle ache.
Sources: meat, vegetables and pulses.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid):
Functions: cartilage maintenance, collagen synthesis.
Deficiency problems: scurvy.

Sources: citrus


  1. Hola mister cubas..
    Le informo que no pude encontrar lo que usted me habia dicho que buscara.

    Nos vemos

  2. mr. cubas usted me dijo q iva a estar la informacion q ivamos a fotocopiar no aparece...


  3. Josselyn Sarmiento 11August 24, 2009 at 5:10 PM

    Vitamis are very important for our bodies because their existence is necessary and they play an important role in cell reactions. If we lack of them it causes serious physiological disorders. Its really sad because low income families dont have access to buy better quality food, so they dont get the right vitamins for their body. product of that they suffer the deficiency problems. :D

  4. Ricardo Vermont 10thAugust 24, 2009 at 9:08 PM

    Mr.cubas this theme is very intresting I didn't now much about vitamins neither where they come is realy awsome that vitamin d source is the sunlihgt, now I will have a great tan and strong bones. Now I know why I have great vision I love carrots and I don't have anemia because I am chocolate addict. Mr.cubas you have a great blog you will be a great doctor

  5. Mr. Cubas I am very impressed of your blog I don´t know that their exist a lot of vitamins and I know why I don´t got a really good vision because I don´t eat a lot of carrots and know I know that a lot of the food that I eat got a lot of vitamins another thing that I learned is that I need to consumed more Liposolubles vitamins because I really need it to obtain a better vision Thank you Mister take care....

  6. Hello Cubas!! First i want to congratulate you because your blog is so nice!!=).Well when i was reading the report ViTAMINS IN THE HUMAN BODY,is very interesting and also important cause our diet here specially in Honduras are a complete desorder,i learned where vitamins come from,now i know what kind of vegetables and fruits i need to eat for my health problems.Also this data cleared my thouths aboutthat asting only vegetables and fruists is the best , because now i now that a complete diet has to be balanced and that other food like liver and chocolate contains vitamins too.

    Dearly your student Oneyda Enamorado.

  7. Hello mr. Cubas, very good document. I like the role of each vitamin and how each is vital for the human body, and also because they are efficient for some diseases, and how the vitamins up our defenses to combat the sickness.

  8. Ivis Maldonado 10thAugust 26, 2009 at 5:54 PM

    hi... HELLO... well this theme is really interesting...The case is why just fruits and vegetables??? why not tajaditas, coca-cola, doritos, chetoss,etc... Is really important to know about the food that we need to have a good I understand a little bit more why God tell Israel to eat ¨vegetales o cosas asi, pero nada de carne¨ the part I most like is about CHOCOLATE... I know I have to eat fresh fruits and vegetables even I don`t like.. after read this I will try to eat food that contains vitamins..

    A QUESTION???? La Biblia menciona que en viejos tiempos las personas tenían un promedio de vida mucho más largo verdad de 100-700 o mas años de vida.....Un factor que influía en esto era su alimentación verdad??? Comían vegetales, frutas, casi no comían carne... VERDAD???
    Does it is true that ¨carne de cerdo¨ tarda en digerirse, casi 2 semanas???? So God tells Israel not to eat it???
    I think I will probably have anemia.....I hope NOOOOOO...


  9. Ivis Karolyn Maldonado 10thAugust 26, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    hi, hello

    It is important to know the importance of vitamins...The diseases they can`t prevent. The benefits they can gave to us. but, I hate vegetables and I don`t eat every type of fruits probably I can have a problem...
    Well i have a question... The Bible gave some examples of people that lives a long time like 100 to 700 or more years... Does they eat that kind of food you mention???? If it is true... Eating that was a factor why people lives a lot of years.........

  10. Ivis Karolyn Maldonado 10thAugust 26, 2009 at 6:14 PM

    It is important to know the importance of vitamins...The diseases they can`t prevent. The benefits they can gave to us. but, I hate vegetables and I don`t eat every type of fruits probably I can have a problem...

  11. Well Mr. Cubas I fine interesting the variety of vitamins and the sources of food we need to take every day it's very important for us to know what vitamins we need for every sickness we may have
    Good Blog.

  12. It is important to know the importance of vitamins...The diseases they can`t prevent. The benefits they can gave to us. but, I hate vegetables and I don`t eat every type of fruits probably I can have a problem...
    Well i have a question... The Bible gave some examples of people that lives a long time like 100 to 700 or more years... Does they eat that kind of food you mention???? If it is true... Eating that was a factor why people lives a lot of years.........

  13. hey! Cubas I like your blog is nice and interesting because I didnt know that the lack of vitamins can cause physiological disorder in humans body.! And that they are really important because help to the growth of our body.!! =D good job! att: gaby 11th.!!

  14. hay mister cubas i new that vitamins are complex organic molecules that are us in small amounts but what happens if you consume more vitams than necesary? how is the name of the process in which the human body produce vitamine D? REALLY interesting information about vitamins maybe u like this one jajajaja

  15. Danielly Lainez 1othAugust 27, 2009 at 8:13 PM

    Hello mister Cubas.. Well about this information I like it because I learn a lot of things that really didn’t know and that I was wrong about it.. And I like it because it helps me to understand things that in the Carrere I would like to study it will help me.. And it’s really interesting knowing about all that vitamins that we have to consume and that we have in our body that can prevent some diseases.. Well but there were some words that I didn’t understand and that I knows it now.. Thank you..!!
